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The Best Of Broadway Vol. Iii The Best Of Broadway Vol. Iii
R$ 39,90
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Disc: 1
1. Overture
2. Dites Moi
3. A Cockeyed Optimist
4. Twin Soliloquies
5. Some Enchanted Evening
6. Bloody Mary
7. There Is Nothin Like a Dame
8. Bali Hai
9. Im Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair
10. A Wonderful Guy
11. Younger Than Springtime
12. Happy Talk
13. Honey Bun
14. Youve Got to Be Carefully Taught
15. This Nearly Was Mine
16. Finale: Dites Moi (Reprise)
17. Loneliness of Evening
18. My Girl Back Home
19. Bali Hai
20. South Pacific: Symphonic Scenario
Disc: 2
1. Opening: I Hoppe I Get It
2. I Can Do That
3. I Can Do That
4. Sing!
5. Montage, Pt. 1: Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love [Expanded Vers
6. Montage, Pt. 2: Mother
7. Montage, Pt. 3: Gimmie the Ball
8. Nothing
9. Dane: Ten: Looks: Three
10. The Music and the Mirror
11. Opening: I Hope I Get It
12. What I Did for Love
13. One (Reprise)/Finale
14. Montage Pt. 3: Gimme the Ball
15. At the Ballet
16. Sing!
17. Montage Pt. 1: Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love [Expanded Versi
18. Montage Pt. 2: Mother
19. Nothing
20. Medley
21. The Music and the Mirror
22. One
Disc: 3
1. Wunderbar
2. We Open in Venice
3. Were Thine That Special Face
4. Another Opnin, Another Show
5. Ive Come to Wive It Wealthily in Padua
6. Bianca
7. Overture
8. So in Love
9. Why Cant You Behave?
10. Why Cant You Behave?
11. So in Love
12. We Open in Venice
13. Tom, Dick or Harry
14. Ive Come to Wive It Wealthily in Padua
15. Brush up Your Shakespeare
16. Where Is the Life That Late I Led?
17. I Hate Men
18. Where Is the Life That Late I Led?
19. Always True to You in My Fashion
20. Bianca
21. I Am Ashamed That Women Are So Simple
22. Brush up Your Shakespeare
23. So in Love (Reprise)
24. Always True to You (In My Fashion)
25. Kiss Me Kate Overture
26. Kiss Me, Kate Overture
Fazem parte desta obra, os compositores

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